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1 Bubblehead II  Oct 1, 2014 4:42:19pm

My sorrow, let me show you.

2 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 1, 2014 4:53:35pm
3 HappyWarrior  Oct 1, 2014 4:59:37pm

They could have you know not been bigots. If someone refused to serve Christians, it would be wrong and illegal too.

4 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 1, 2014 5:06:08pm
5 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 1, 2014 5:09:12pm

Wingnuts do not understand the difference between WHAT (a thing) and WHO (a person)

A business may refuse to provide A THING to their customers if it is not a product they would serve to any other customers. For example you can’t go to Walmart and insist that they sell you a Mercedes, or to a halal/kosher/vegan restaurant & demand a bacon cheeseburger.

A business may NOT refuse to provide a thing, that they provide to all their other customers, to someone based on WHO they are.

No shoes, no shirt, no service someone can come back wearing shoes and shirt, but they can’t go home and come back BEING NOT GAY.

Now, how do I distill that into a 140-char Tweet?

6 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 1, 2014 5:38:58pm
7 klys  Oct 1, 2014 5:40:36pm

re: #6 Pie-onist Overlord

Jesus hung out with prostitutes and yet these people think baking a cake for a homosexual couple is going to keep them from heaven?


8 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 1, 2014 5:43:48pm
9 goddamnedfrank  Oct 1, 2014 6:10:01pm
For me personally,” Klein told the largely over-50 crowd, “when I would sit down with them I just would want to know everything about her wedding.”

“I’d want to know about the flowers, her dress, the centerpieces, her colors, the way her hair is going to be. I would even want to talk about ‘where are you going on your honeymoon?’” Klein said, describing her process of deciding what a cake should look like.

“I would just feel so honored to be part of such an amazing, special day,” Klein added, as she broke into tears.

Klein and her husband Aaron insist the decision to not serve same-sex couples isn’t anti-gay, merely their First Amendment right.

Yeah, no, not buying it. Lady, your job really goddamned simple, to figure out what kind of cake your clients want and then to bake and decorate that motherfucker up nice. But instead this bigoted twunt wants to get involved and bond with the bride. To sit down with her in a coffee clutch and get all fucking weepy and verklempt over the “special day.” Well, fuck.that.noise.

This again demonstrates the difference between sympathy and empathy. Melissa has boundless sympathy for brides. In fact she over identifies with them, because she was one, so giving a shit about them comes real natural like. She get all fucking excited about brides and their upcoming nuptials and wants to want get right up in their shit and gab and gab and gab.

But gays, shut the front door! She’s got nothing in her mental toolkit that allows her to even intellectually attempt to put herself in their shoes. When they try to get married that’s an abomination, and her God clearly frowns on bitches making cakes for apostatical queers. Because the process of mixing eggs, flour, sugar, baking powder, cooking and then slathering frosting on it for profit is clearly an ancient and deeply hallowed personal expression of religion. It’s right up there with self flagellation and yiffing the Easter Bunny.

10 HappyWarrior  Oct 1, 2014 6:42:39pm

Fact is they want to do the same thing that was done against blacks for generations before the CRA of 64.

11 Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 1, 2014 10:21:49pm

Surely some wealthy, loving, Christian conservative who used these two to score political points should be more than happy to pick up the tab…


12 majii  Oct 1, 2014 10:58:36pm

I have zero sympathy for these haters. They had the right to refuse to bake the cake for the gay couple, but they refuse to understand that the state had the right to penalize their asses for refusing to do so. They got their way in the matter, so it makes no sense that they’re whining about it. Hell, one would think they’d be making a media tour to demonstrate how they stood up for their religion, showing what great Christians they allegedly are. These tools had no idea that most of us disagreed with them when they refused to bake the cake for the gay couple. SMDH. Taking an excerpt from gdFrank’s post: “Well, fuck.that.noise.”

13 sagehen  Oct 2, 2014 12:48:50am

re: #6 Pie-onist Overlord

“Racism could never be justified Biblically.”

And yet, the Southern Baptists did justify it Biblically, for 150 years. First slavery, then Jim Crow, then resisting desegregation.

It wasn’t until 1995 that the SBC officially resolved that “whoops, I guess we’ve been reading that wrong, the Bible didn’t really say what we thought it said. Racism bad now, k?”

14 BadExampleMan  Oct 2, 2014 1:31:32am

re: #5 Pie-onist Overlord

Now, how do I distill that into a 140-char Tweet?

“Stop being a fucking racist idiot” works for me.

15 Ogami Itto  Oct 2, 2014 2:14:01am

So now this nitwit is financially as well as morally bankrupt? Good.

16 Amory Blaine  Oct 2, 2014 3:17:31am

Nothing will change a values voters victim-hood position. So the fine is just icing on the cake.


17 Timothy Watson  Oct 2, 2014 4:17:46am

re: #1 Bubblehead II

My sorrow, let me show you.

[Embedded image]

My personal favorite (I need to sit down one day and make an image or GIF out of this):

Youtube Video

18 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 4:32:27am

re: #12 majii

They had the right to refuse to bake the cake for the gay couple

Actually they did not have that right. That’s the whole point. A public venue can’t refuse service to any class of person.

19 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Oct 2, 2014 5:21:40am

re: #8 Pie-onist Overlord

You could say they got their just desserts.

The proper spelling in “just deserts” with one S.

It actually has noting to do with “dessert” but rather comes from the word “to deserve.

I think I des(s)erve a doughnut for that…

20 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 5:23:56am

re: #19 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

The proper spelling in “just deserts” with one S.

It actually has noting to do with “dessert” but rather comes from the word “to deserve.

I think I des(s)erve a doughnut for that…

It’s still an awesome pun.

21 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 6:43:30am

re: #13 sagehen

And yet, the Southern Baptists did justify it Biblically, for 150 years. First slavery, then Jim Crow, then resisting desegregation.

It wasn’t until 1995 that the SBC officially resolved that “whoops, I guess we’ve been reading that wrong, the Bible didn’t really say what we thought it said. Racism bad now, k?”

I remember a documentary about Loving Vs Virginia and the the judge ruling against them used the Bible to justify the anti-miscegenation law. Fact is these people are bigots. If you’re going to have a bakery like that, you have no right to refuse certain people service because they don’t conform to your views. And as I said, if hypothetical anti-Christian baker were to do the same thing to a Christian couple, guess what it would be the same thing and ti would still be wrong but you know we don’t see that.

22 steve_davis  Oct 2, 2014 6:49:42am

The lord just fined you 150,000 dollars. Just keep that in mind, honey.

23 aagcobb  Oct 2, 2014 7:02:07am

I bet she sets up a website and the sheep will send her vastly more money than she owes to pay the fine. She’ll do fine as a grifter, she just needs to keep those tear ducts flowing.

24 sffilk  Oct 2, 2014 9:14:56am

re: #6 Pie-onist Overlord

[Embedded content]

Perhaps you should remind this “person” that the term “Judeo-Christian” is only used by those Christians who want to seem all-inclusive, yet are actually anti-Jewish?

Oh, and all they had to say was that they were already booked and were unable to make their cake as well. That would have stopped the whole thing, but hey, they didn’t think of that, did they?

25 Flying Squirrel Girl  Oct 2, 2014 1:54:36pm

re: #24 sffilk

Oh, and all they had to say was that they were already booked and were unable to make their cake as well. That would have stopped the whole thing, but hey, they didn’t think of that, did they?

THIS. 1000x. As an HR professional, I’ve had this discussion with employees many times. “No you cannot tell the person you are interviewing that you will not hire them because of the political beliefs espoused on their facebook page. You CAN, however, tell them that they are not what we are looking for for the job and leave it at that.”

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